Sunday, 24 November 2019

Five Plus Weird Things in Copenhagen

Oh my it's our last day in Copenhagen and I'm reflecting on some of the strange things we've encountered.

If you want this with links and pictures go here

First - traffic lights - for some reason, the Danes have nailed the crossing timing.  Every time we get to a set of lights, they change within a few seconds.  It seems that it's not just me but it's a new "intelligent" traffic light system.  Now come on world, if the Danes can do it - everyone can.

Second - baby prams.  So everyone bikes everywhere.  What I didn't realise is that people here love their prams -- riding ones and pushing ones.  They all seem to come in twos too.  I don't know about the Dane's fertility but rarely do you see a single pram.  Not saying they are twins but clearly they're not mucking around with this one-child business.

Speaking of which - babies are everywhere.  And everyone pushes them from mummies to grandparents -- lots of grandparents. And they seem to like it. Even when the bubs are left outside, in their prams, in the cold.    Shakes head.  This New Zealand woman found it weird too.

Third - cleaning products.  I can't seem to find the same ones I usually use.  I like to use a little bleach in the shower (for mould) well I went to several stores and they were sold out.  So either the Danes are really clean or there's a world wide shortage of bleach.  EEkk. At our apartment, I was scrounging and opened a bottle of something and immediately took a big sniff--that's a dangerous thing to do.  Don't do it.

Fourth - TV.  I have never seen so many romance movies airing.  Yes it's the time of year for Jule Christmas Romance movies.  There are usually about 4 each night on telly here.  They are the crappiest, cheeziest, Hallmark movies you can imagine.  The Danes are romantics at heart.

Auction tv shows -- while Australia continues its love affair with renovation television shows, and America still loves a desperate housewife, it's all about the auction here.  We can't understand a word of them but in various guises people guess what things are valued at and them compete in various ways.  We're crap at guessing prices.  It seems the the more tortured the piece of porcelain the more it fetches.

Fifth - Food and Drink.  Sweets-yes the Danes LOVE their sweeta (I mean lollies); they are second only to Finland (really? see this article) at 8.51 kilos per head per year.  Every corner has a 'candy' shop that's filled with gummy type chewy lollies.  I love them.  My figure doesn't.  One of the reasons that Danes, with the highest "happiness" rating, don't live the longest.  There's a lesson in that, right?

Coffee - okay it's a national sport here. They are the second biggest spenders at over 3 euros per cup in the world (see here). (Swiss rank #1). Drink as much as you can.  I'm not a great fan -- I hate that coffee breath that heavy drinkers get.

Bread - while we might know that dark-rye-nut laden bread used in open sandwiches-we've discovered a bread/croissant type bun.


Oh - it's 2pm.  Time for Glogg.  I will write about glogg but not right now. It's drinking time.

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